A gracious woman retaineth honor:.. strength and honor are her clothing...She opens her mouth in wisdom ; and in her tongue is the law of kindness . Prov 11 : 16; 31: 25 -26 There has been quite a lot of teachings, concepts and also a few misconceptions on the subject of this amazing creation that God has perfectly designed for the benefit of the whole earth, and to fulfill the purpose of the expansion of His kingdom. Unfortunately, due to the limit created by the general stereotypical notion of a particular manner that a woman should act or behave, a lot of women have not attained the full potential that God had planned, some has only scratched the surface, and some had it all twisted, therefore getting offended. However this subject explores and points out the deep truths that you may or may not have known, which will enable you enjoy and maximize your potential as a woman or the woman in your life. Firstly, the opening scripture aligns out some amazing attrib