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Showing posts from December, 2020

The Kingdom's Playbook

            The Kingdom of God is a thing. It is real, and it's becoming more and more revealed in our time and generation. People are gradually realizing the reality and tangibility of it's existence so much that some are already living in it while on earth. That is to say, they are not affected by whatever that is happening to the rest of the world even though they are in still in the world.  However, because this revelation is not so popular, many do not know how to go about living in it or securing their place in it, they either mistake it as a religious / church activity or misunderstand it altogether and avoid it completely. Also, the devil, knowing he has only a short time, is using this ignorance as a tool more and more violently to jam people's heads together against themselves : Christians/non-Christians alike, believers/non-believers fact, all religions of the world put together. He turned humanity against themselves, because many have lost touch of th