The Kingdom's Playbook

The Kingdom of God is a thing. It is real, and it's becoming more and more revealed in our time and generation. People are gradually realizing the reality and tangibility of it's existence so much that some are already living in it while on earth. That is to say, they are not affected by whatever that is happening to the rest of the world even though they are in still in the world. 

However, because this revelation is not so popular, many do not know how to go about living in it or securing their place in it, they either mistake it as a religious / church activity or misunderstand it altogether and avoid it completely. Also, the devil, knowing he has only a short time, is using this ignorance as a tool more and more violently to jam people's heads together against themselves : Christians/non-Christians alike, believers/non-believers fact, all religions of the world put together. He turned humanity against themselves, because many have lost touch of the real essence of life which is The Kingdom of God. 

So, here is a list of few guidelines to help you find your way, be grounded, and avoid being the devil's victim. It's called The Kingdom's Playbook. 


Make the Kingdom of God and His righteousness your focus and priority for living. This doesn't literally mean focus on going to heaven, no. (anyone who is in the Kingdom is already in heaven even while on earth, death is only a medium for transitioning permanently). It means, the Kingdom's interest should be a filter and yardstick in everything you do. 'How does this project, business, life plan, marriage, action, or speech help to expand the kingdom?' 'how will it create awareness about the divine plan for humanity?'. Answering these question rightly should help you to determine what to do and what not to do. B) His righteousness : This is not about being morally good or trying in your own power to be nice. It is believing in the words of Jesus and what he came to do. His birth, his life, his ministry, and his death all came to point us to the Kingdom of God; believing in all that, and doing them by the Spirt, is what will be counted to you as righteousness. Remember, Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. (Tip : the crux of this righteous living is found in Jesus' sermon on the mount in Mat 5,6 & 7). Ref Scripture - Matt 6:33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


Do not take a break / refrain from doing good when angry or frustrated (it's actually a peak period for getting blessed so cheaply). Ref scripture : Matt 12 : 14-15.  Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him. But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all.


Guard your heart against offenses. Don't easily get offended with people for their wrong doings towards you. Offenses are the arrows that the enemy uses to get to  your heart, and within these end times he is getting more violently with those arrows. so, be on the look out and guard your heart. - Ref scripture : Mat 11:6 - And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.


No matter the pressure from others, or how generous or merciful you are, NEVER give out your oil. That's the only thing you have left to keep you to the end. (Remember the parable of the wise & foolish virgins) - Ref scripture :  Mat 25: 4 & 9 - But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps...but the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you.. 


Take your trust off EVERYONE and EVERYTHING and put it on God. Things are getting harder and there is more pain in the world today, and because of that, people are getting more uneasy and unreliable in delivering on expectations and promises. Nobody want to be laden with extra responsibility or high expectation from others, everybody is just trying to survive and keep their head above including family members and loved ones. So, do not bank your trust on anyone, because man will fail you. Put your trust in God and stay there. That's the only sure to secure your peace and calm in the midst of the storm. -Ref scripture : Psalms 118: 8- It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.  

Forgive easily and immediately. This is a very easy way of taking things off your chest and always having a clean slate. It keeps the devil at bay, because he can't really use the things you've forgiven to bait you to do something bad. Sometimes, it is not necessarily easy, but learn to say it even when you don't feel like it yet: 'I forgive you', 'I forgive this person or that person. Say it out. Remember, faith is not complete yet until it speaks out, and by speaking it, gradually you'd start feeling it. Ref. scripture : Matt 6: 12 -And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  

Walk in the Spirit. Be spiritually sensitive to your environment and the times. If you live in the spirit in the Kingdom, also walk in the spirit. Stay connected to God's Spirit at all time. ask for direction in every next move. Ref. scripture : Gal 5:25 - If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.


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