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Showing posts from 2021

The mystery of the Corn, Meat and Wine - A secret to Sustainability.

  Therefore God give thee the dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth and plenty of corn and wine.   - Genesis 27 : 28.  Corn, meat and wine are three words that are concurrently mentioned in the scriptures especially as regards to food and sustainability. When Isaac blessed his son, he said :  “…with corn and wine have I sustained him” -Gen 27:37. It always talked about or signified abundance, wealth, etc. In our present time, corn, meat and wine corn could be used connotatively or still literally, just like in the old Israeli times. Here’s a little backstory to it: In the ancient time, the most common professions among the children of Israel were farming, herding, and wine growing. So, some of them were farmers owing to the large expanse of lands of their inheritance, where they planted wheat, barley, corn, or grape vines for wine. Some were sheep herders, taking care of sheep. The rich among them had all three : Farmland, vineyard, and sheep. The abundance of this was the yardsti

The wall from across your house - A strategy for reducing complex tasks.

  There’s an interesting story taken from the third chapter in the book of Nehemiah. It is about how the expansive wall of Jerusalem -spanning about 4,018 meters- which lay in utter ruins from previous wars, was rebuilt in only fifty-two (52) days under the leadership of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was formerly a cup-bearer to the Babylonian king who took him and his country-men captive. He was however, burdened in his spirit with the state of his home country and requested leave of the king, which was granted. On getting back to Jerusalem, he met the city’s wall in a deplorable state -utter ruins! Now, he is faced with the challenge of rebuilding the wall with very limited manpower and resources in the shortest possible period of time. By the Wisdom of God, he devised a strategy that was able to raise up the 4,018 meter-wall in less than two months. In this strategy, each family or clan was to rebuild the portion of the wall from across their house or closest to them. In that way, the gigantic

Fringe benefits of the Communion

  The Flesh and the Blood of Jesus, also known as the Holy Communion is one mystery that has not been fully understood as well in the Christendom as in the non-believing circles. There are divergent opinions about the concept of the Holy Communion and how often it should be taken, that has made it seem 'out-of-reach' to the layman.  However the scripture did not place any cap or duration on how it should be taken. 1 Corinthians 11: 25 rather reveals that we as believers in Christ, are at liberty to take it AS OFTEN AS we drink it :   This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink  it , in remembrance of me. Also, Matthew 26 : 26 shows that Jesus took the bread he used as his body out from the same bread that they were eating from :  And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed  it , and brake  it , and gave  it  to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. This therefore validates the flexibility of communion materials: it is as f