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On Unity of the Brethren


Ephesians 4: 4-6; 16

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all...(v. 4-6) 

...From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. (v.16)

The fourth chapter of the book of Ephesians was written and dedicated to every single person in the world that consider themselves a Christian. It is one of the book that specifically addressed the complete body of Christ without including sinners. Interestingly, within that confines among them, there were the proud ones, the unforgiving, the ones who spread divisions, those whose faith are weak, the children, the liars, the immature, the vain-minded, the angry ones, the thieves, the gossips, the bad-mouthed, the bitter ones, the malicious, and the unkind...all under One Body. 

This is to show how imperfect the Church still is, and God knowing this put among the body: the strong in faith, the godly, the wise, the prophets, the pastors, the evangelists and the teachers for the perfection of the [imperfect] saints till we ALL come in the unity of faith. So both the first and the second category are all in the same body in Christ, the imperfections not withstanding. 

Apostle Paul, the author of this letter wrote this centuries ago, and he was addressing the Christians of his time; but amazingly, this picture he portrayed of the church of his time is the same as the image of the present-day Church. This means that each dispensation of Christ's body has a relatable challenge and resemblance in structure and distribution; so nothing is actually really new. 

In our world today, there are a lot of ugly things going on among Christians and within our Churches. Some are immature, some stealing, some bitter, some confused, some unkind and some angry. These happenings are enough for you to question or loose your faith or get you angry and make you wonder if you're in the right place, or if this is actually the Church Jesus had in mind. Well, the truth is, yes, you are in the right place and that is the Church Jesus had in mind...except that it is still under construction. It hasn't attained unto perfection yet, so when you see these things happening, it shouldn't be surprising, be restful and don't loose your grip, seeing that these things were foretold. It is a phase the Church needs to go through to attain perfection.  

However, the responsibility to get it to a perfect state lies on you and every one of us who don't like what we see in churches now. This is because we are all in the same family; each one of us are a part that come together to form the whole. So when one part is failing, injured or hurting in one area or the other, just like our human body, we tend to it and nurse it till it gets completely healed. Also, as one body in Christ, we are what we feed ourselves. Ephesians 4:16 said that we are joined and knit together by what every joint supplies; so if we bring things like slander, castigation, division, quarrel, anger and finger-pointing, to the table, that is what we will be fed with, and at the end of day we [both the perfect and the imperfect ones] will be malnourished. 

But, how do we bring clean and healthy nutrition to the table, if we have to function as one? by LOVE*. The opening scripture said the body is sustained and edified by the measure each each part love. So, love is very essential to getting us that perfect state everyone is expecting the church to attain. See it this way : If your family is having an issue, you don't broadcast it to strangers in the name of 'saying the truth as it is', no, either you resolve it with the person involved privately, or you call a family meeting and resolve it AMONG YOURSELVES (not with outsiders). In this case, as a part of the body of Christ, when you see something that is not right, or someone or a group of people/individuals (regardless of their status) who are not getting it right, get on your knees and CALL A FAMILY MEETING. We are from a source, we have parents, report the matter to them : The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and yourself (or with any other 'family member' you may want to involve) are just good enough number to get the matter straightened out. 

Strangers have no say in the matter of family members, regardless of how bad the matter may be. The same goes for the Christian family; but when we take our family issues out to unbelievers or castigate one another and tear each other down on the media and among ourselves, we are weakening ourselves and making ourselves look bad in front of sinners who don't know anything about the inner family circle, thereby giving them chance to label us. That ought no to be so. If we must correct each other, let's do it in love. Verse 2-3 said forsaking self-righteousness, and maintaining self-control, with patience, bearing with one another in unselfish love; make every effort to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the bond of peace, each individual working together to make the whole successful. 

Admittedly, what happens within the church could make one angry but v.26 said be angry and don't sin (with your mouth); speak the truth in love so that you don't give place to the devil, and do not let the sun go down on your anger (v. 15 & 27). Also, addressing the defaulters, it said, Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working with his hands...that he may have to give to those who have needs. Put away lying and be honest with one another; and do not let any corrupt communication come out of your mouth, but that which is good and edifying,  so that it would minister grace to the hearers.

So, this is all encompassing for all we need, to grow into a healthy Church unto perfection in Christ. Each one of us, regardless of denomination, has a responsibility on our shoulder. Let's therefore work towards pulling each other up so that we do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom we were sealed for the day of redemption. 

And always remember, WE ARE ONE. 

God bless you! 

*On the subject of love:


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