On Condemnation



There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 
Romans 8: 1  

Condemnation is one pit that almost everyone must have once fallen into at one point or the other in their lives. You are either thrown into it by others or by yourself, but either way, it is not a good place to be. The good news is that it was never meant for anyone to be there in the first instance, neither is it in the place of any human to condemn another. however, the enemy uses it as a tool to trap those who do not know or understand this truth. 

The first thing you need to understand is this very important truth : God DOES NOT condemn you...neither has he given any human the right to do so. He rather find a way to justify and save you. Yes, your sins, the law, or your conscience may try to make you feel condemned, but not God. John 5:22 said : The Father does not judge anyone but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, but even Jesus Christ himself, whom God has handed over all jugement has defered it  till the last day. Matthew 12: 19 & 20 said that he would not strive, be loud in the street, or break even a bruised reed till he sends jugement into victory. The opening scripture already mentioned that If you're in Christ and walk in the spirit, there's no condemnation for you. Also, Romans 8 : 33-34 paints a clear picture of how free you are when you are in Christ. It said, Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. So in essence, neither God the Father nor the Son is judging or condemning anyone, rather they are actually in your favor. 

In the light of this understanding, whenever you sin or do something wrong and eventually repent and turn to God, He accepts you clean and completely. whatever opinion anybody has of you because of what you did, is immaterial and no longer valid. You do not have to feel bad about yourself anymore nor live under the burden of guilt or shame because of people's opinion as long as you continue in the right way. You have been forgiven and if someone or people continue to talk about or regard you in light of the past behavior, then that is not your problem but theirs, you do not need to worry yourself over it, just go ahead living and shining your light.  

Matthew 7: 1 said 'judge not', so judging anyone for any reason is out of the equation; how much less judging them by a past mistake or deed that they have repented of. It is only time that can tell if someone's change is genuine or short-lived, so it is best to allow him or her to live their lives. So whenever you confess your sin to God and repent of it, you should rebuke guilt from your conscience, refuse to carry it and do not let anyone else lay the burden on you. Go ahead and live your new life, YOU ARE NOT CONDEMNED! 

God Bless you. 


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