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On Giving

  Luke 6 : 29b & 30  30: " Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again."     29b : "...and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also."   It is very easy to give things or make sacrifices for people who you love, care about, are obedient to you, would give you back in return, or just want to give to because you feel like, can or want to. Well, that's fine but what the above scripture is talking about goes beyond that surface into the deeper truth and understanding on this subject.  Genuine giving comes from a heart that is willing to give up its last or only place for the other person. A typical example is the poor widow of luke 21:3 who gave only two mites, and Jesus remarked that she gave more than everybody else because even out of her poverty, she gave her all . It is laced with kindness, compassion and tenderness towards the one that is being given to. Giving

On the Character of Christ

Matthew 11: 29  "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart : and ye shall find rest unto your souls".  This is Jesus, called the Christ , speaking; and in the preceding verses before the above statement was made, he said a few things more. In Vs 27, he said 'all things are delivered to me of my Father...' and in Vs 28, he made an open call to ANYONE and EVERYONE who labor (weary, tired, frustrated, exhausted with this life, stressed, suicidal, confused, feeling hollow or empty, hopeless), are heavy laden, (burdened with worries, cares, anxiety and fear), and he promised to give them rest.  Now, bearing in mind the kind of high-end personality who is calling just about anyone to come to him (someone who has all thing delivered to him), it is both amazing, heart-warming and refreshing to know that he is easily accessible because he said 'I am MEEK  and LOWLY in heart'.  Jesus Christ is God; and the realizatio

On Soul-winning

Proverbs 11 : 30  "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise ."  Soul-winning is simply changing someone else's bad ways, beliefs, and thought process into a godly   one, by pointing them to Christ through the word of God. Whoever that continually perform this act is considered wise.  So, soul-wining is a noble act act of wisdom, and here is why: James 5: 20 said that he which converted the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death and shall hide multitude of sin. This means that by turning sinners from the error of their ways, you're saving lives and instrumental to protecting them from the harsh punishment of sin.  The golden rule makes provision for you to have exactly what you do to others. so, for every soul you save from death, and sin you cover, your longevity is assured and your sins are covered too; because he that watereth shall be watered (prov 11:25), and blessed is he...whose sin i