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On Giving


Luke 6 : 29b & 30 
30: "Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again."  
29b : "...and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also."  

It is very easy to give things or make sacrifices for people who you love, care about, are obedient to you, would give you back in return, or just want to give to because you feel like, can or want to. Well, that's fine but what the above scripture is talking about goes beyond that surface into the deeper truth and understanding on this subject. 

Genuine giving comes from a heart that is willing to give up its last or only place for the other person. A typical example is the poor widow of luke 21:3 who gave only two mites, and Jesus remarked that she gave more than everybody else because even out of her poverty, she gave her all. It is laced with kindness, compassion and tenderness towards the one that is being given to. Giving without these virtues is like putting earnings into a bag of holes (Haggai 1:6). Jesus said in luke 6: 33 & 34 : 'and if ye do good / lend to them which do good to you (whom you hope to receive), what thank have ye? for sinners even do the same.' It yields no result. 

This means that being able to give without being pained, reluctant or holding back, and see it yield result, is to FIRST have a sacrificial heart and mindset. 2 Corinthians 8:5 said that the Macedonian church 'first gave their own selves to the Lord' before they were able to give willingly and liberally, irrespective of their deep poverty. This is buttressed in 2 Cor 9:7 where Paul said that 'every man should give according as he purposed IN HIS HEART, not grudgingly or of necessity...'  

Jesus said, give to EVERYONE, no exception. This includes the unthankful, unkind, and those who will take away from you; and it takes only a heart that is sacrificial and willing to let go, to do that. Also, it is this kind of heart that is needed to be able obey any 'giving' commandment of scripture without struggle; and Jesus assured that 'your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest...' (Luke 6:35). This means that you become more like God when you practice love and sacrifice in your givings. 

Also, having an understanding that whatever you have is not really yours, but God's own, helps you to give them out easily. 1 Chronicles 29: 12-16 said that both riches and honor come of him...for all things come of him, and of HIS OWN have we given him...and ALL is his own. Plus, the silver and the gold is his own (Haggai 2:8), and he is the one that gives us power to get wealth (Deut 8:18). So, you don't even necessarily make wealth, you get them from him. If then this is so, there is indeed no need to hold back or tight on what he gave, since you are only a custodian of his blessings in your life. 

However, it is soothing to know that this form of giving (which comes straight from a willing, loving and sacrificial heart), does not go unrewarded. It is an investment that starts paying off here on earth while you're still able to reap it; because prov 11:31 says the righteous shall be recompensed IN THE EARTH...and good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom (luke 6:38). And the sure ultimate is that for every act of sacrificial giving you make, you lay up for yourself durable treasures in heaven, where moth or rust will not corrupt...nor thieves break into to steal (Mt 6:20). 

PS: In the whole of the scriptures, the word good measure was mentioned only once, and that was on the subject of giving.This means that this is life's secret formula that never fails and a huge deal that does not miss its target.; and for you to have a good measure, then its absolutely necessary to give. May you continually take delivery of your rewards as you receive a renewed vigor and understanding of giving, and act on it. Amen! 

God bless you! 


  1. If you have questions, comments or would like to contact Sent Words, please drop them in the comment section, or via email at

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  2. Hmmm very inspiring. I have learnt something new. I have got a lot of people who have taken from me and have refused to return it is really annoying. I remember asking a man to help me give someone some amount of money but he used the money despite all my assistance to him. As I read through those scriptures though hard I realise that God doesn't want us to ask them again. So I just decided to let go.

  3. God bless you for letting go. May the Lord who recompenses, strengthen you and repay all that you have lost. Amen.

    As these words has blessed you, please share with your social contacts as this may be a blessing to someone else within your circles. Thank you.


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