On Discernment of Spirits


1 Jn 4: 1
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world".  

Whenever the subject of testing spirits for false prophecy arises, the mind automatically goes to spiritual leaders. However, it goes beyond the religious confines to include all aspects of our entire life : friends, business partners/associates, colleagues, life partners, social circles, theories, philosophies, internet advises etc...the list goes on. Why? because it said that many false prophets have gone into the WORLD (key word : 'world', not 'into only churches'). It means that they are everywhere and in every area in the world; and when 1 John 1:4 said 'false prophets' it was referring to the spirit of false prophecy itself because it started by saying : test all spirits. So, don't be eager to jump on everything that anyone says, but critically examine and listen sensitively to the spirits behind who is talking to know if they are of God before accepting their persons or what the are saying or advertising. This will help you in making critical life choices and business or career decisions. 

And this how to you will know the difference: 1 John 4:2 and 3 said, 'hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: and every spirit that confesses NOT that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of anti-Christ.' This is to say that anybody whose words or actions does not confirm or portray that Jesus actually did walk this earth in the flesh, (that is, not displaying the character Jesus showed while he was on earth), is not of God. The spirit talking or manifesting within such a person, theory or philosophy is indeed the spirit of anti-Christ. Remember, the keyword here is 'Confess'. so, when anyone is talking, LISTEN, be spiritually sensitive, be on the outlook, read in between lines of the person's words to discern who is actually talking. If their words or actions doesn't look like the character of Christ or what Jesus would do or say while he was in the flesh (on earth), then they are not of God. Don't believe it; it is usually in the speaking.  

Also, it is important to know that like-minded spirits resonate to each other, so they will naturally sense when or not someone is on their team. Jesus said, my sheep hears my voice; and 1 John 4:6 said he that knows God hears us; he that is not of God does not hear us. So, if as a Christian, someone you call friend, partner, associate or colleague is at variance with your values or beliefs system according to Christ's standard, doesn't respect them, ridicules them, takes them lightly or makes nasty jokes of them; then that's a clear signal that the spirit within them isn't the same with yours. Wisdom demands you don't tag along with someone like that because it is not even healthy for your spiritual and mental growth. So, don't be deceived; you discern the spirit of truth and error from what they say and how they 'listen' to you. 

But how do you sharpen your spirit to be sensitive enough to discern? By walking in love. Verse 7 of 1 John 4 said, beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth...knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. So if there is no love in your heart toward the person you are relating with or talking to, you respond in hate (which is darkness), and this will blind your sensitivity from discerning the spirit speaking through the person. Therefore, if you want to be able to discern who says what, you have to walk in love while relating with anyone in order to making the right choice and decisions. 

God bless you!


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