On Meekness (Humility)


Ps 37 : 11
 "But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace". 

Isaiah 1:19
"If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land": 

Mat 11: 29
...for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls". 

Meekness is lowliness of heart; which is also called humility. Psalms 37:11 said the meek shall inherit the earth and have abundance of peace, Jesus also reinforces the peace aspect when he said that you will find rest if you took on his meek and lowly character. This means that meekness give you access anything to ever wanted in the earth: the meek shall inherit the earth. 

Also, Isaiah 1: 19 explains the attribute you need to have to eat the good of the land : being willing and obedient. It said if ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land; which is much similar to inheriting the earth. So in essence, meekness means being willing AND obedient to God's words; which will in turn give to the earth's goodness as inheritance. (So, willingness + obedience = meekness = access to the good of the land). 

Inheriting the earth or eating the good of the land here connotes control, dominance,making your name heard, standing out or being influential in any area of your life and over anything you do. So, in any aspect of your life (social, business, career, marriage, workplace), humility puts you in charge. you do not need to announce yourself, because your humility announces you, your behavior wins people over and causes them to regard you. However, the cheapest way to get there is to be willing and obedient to what God says. Deuteronomy 28: 1 says that if you will listen attentively to the voice of God and be mindful enough to do what he tells you, then he will put you on high ABOVE ALL NATIONS OF THE EARTH. 

So, obedience is a vital ingredient to humility, which is what will give you whatever you desire on earth, easily. So whenever you want to get irritated, rude, frustrated, angry, proud or disobedient over an instruction or a situation, just remember that obedience with all lowliness of heart is what will pull you through and get you what you are looking for.

God bless you!


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